Karan Johar's chat show Koffee With Karan has created a buzz ever since it's seventh season started streaming on Disney+Hotstar from July 7. The show has already seen Ranveer Singh-Alia Bhatt and Jahnvi Kapoor-Sara Ali Khan spilling beans on their personal and professional affairs in front of Karan Johar, who seems to quite enjoy listening while sitting on the other side of the couch.?
The latest and 3rd episode of Koffee With Karan season 7 featured actors?Akshay Kumar-Samantha Ruth Prabhu?as guests. Karan Johar was seen asking both of them about their personal relationships. But netizens aren't happy with the way Karan Johar was getting personal with south star Samantha.?
This to some people appeared to be highly insensitive and irked many, who have now taken to the micro-blogging platform Twitter to share their opinions on the matter.?
Another questioned, "Y this guy is so insensitive joking about her divorce ? he is literally the most disgusting man from the industry."?
While a fourth wrote, "Why the fu*k does Karan keep talking of failed marriages and suceessful marriages and marriages and marriages around Samantha chi."?
Samantha Ruth Prabhu and her ex-husband and actor Naga Chaitanya announced their separation in October 2021. They were married for four years and Samantha didn't hesitate talking about her divorce in public platforms.?
Considering this, Karan through his chat show got the greatest opportunity to bring it up and make the actress spill as much information he could.
Previously, Karan was trolled for bullying Sara Ali Khan in the second episode of KWK7 and showing his blatant favouritism towards actress Janhvi Kapoor.?
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