Bollywood actress Kareena Kapoor Khan, who made a mark with her performance in the film 'Jab We Met' with Shahid Kapoor, recently joked that her character 'Geet' in the Imtiaz Ali directorial financially benefitted the Indian Railways.?
Kareena Kapoor's romantic comedy film Jab We Met, which released in 2007 was a massive hit. She played Geet, a very cheerful and overly chatty Sikhni from Punjab's Bathinda who meets rich Aditya Kashyap (played by Shahid Kapoor) on a train.?
In a recent episode of the court of comedy 'Case Toh Banta Hai,' Kareena Kapoor claimed that following the release and success of her film, her character 'Geet' helped Indian Railways generate more profits.?
The 41-year-old actress and mother of two, also mentioned that her character also helped harem pants, the brand which she sported while filming the scenes on the train and railroad stations sell more.? ?
Moreover, actor Varun Dhawan, who was playing her attorney in the episode, asked Kareena Kapoor to take her court appointments seriously, the actress hilariously responded in Geet's style from Jab We Met.?
On the work front, Kareena Kapoor recently featured in Aamir Khan's film Laal Singh Chaddha, which landed in a massive controversy over several reasons. People called for boycott of Laal Singh Chaddha and the film failed to rake in money at the box office as expected.
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