Veteran actor Naseerudin Shah is all set for his upcoming release titled Taj: Divided By Blood. As the day of its arrival comes closer, Shah who plays Akbar in the drama series is all out and sharing his piece of mind during several interviews. In a recent one, Naseer feels Akbar didn¡¯t attempt to start a new religion in history.
Also Read: ¡®You Cannot Argue With Faith¡¯: Naseeruddin Shah Says Certain Media Triggers Religion-Based Hate
He told Indian Express, ¡°The picture drawn of Akbar was always that of a benevolent, kind-hearted, broad-minded, progressive ruler... Akbar was not only a soft-hearted, vulnerable man, but he was also a very passionate, sexually driven, ferocious, merciless warrior. And must have been a great lover. I mean, he had hundreds of concubines and to keep each of them happy must have been some job!¡±
¡°I don¡¯t know if all of them were happy though. But I played him, to find the human being within this grandeur.¡±
Talking about the popular misinformation, Shah added, ¡°The one fly in the ointment being his desire to start a new religion. We read about this in history books, which is absolute nonsense. I have checked this with authoritative historians and Akbar never did attempt to start a new religion. This is a fact which was in our history books called the Din-e Elahi. But Akbar never used the word Din-e Elahi, ever.¡±
¡°He called it Wahdat-e Elahi, which means oneness of the creator. That no matter who you worship, in what form you worship him, you¡¯re worshipping the creator. You may worship a stone, you may worship a crucifix, you may bow your head to the Kaaba, you may worship the rising sun and do what you like, but you are worshipping one and the same thing. That was his belief. This is what I found out.¡±
Other than Shah, the ensemble cast features Aditi Rao Hydari as Anarkali, Aashim Gulati as Prince Salim, Taha Shah as Prince Murad, Shubham Kumar Mehra as Prince Daniyal, Sandhya Mridul as Queen Jodha Bai, Zareena Wahab as Queen Salima, Sauraseni Maitra as Mehr-un Nisa, Rahul Bose as Mirza Hakim and Dharmendra as Sheikh Salim Chisti.
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