South Star Nayanthara recently made her Bollywood debut with Shah Rukh Khan starrer Jawan. The film was released on 7th September and has grossed over Rs 1000 crores at the global box office. The actress is earning accolades for her beauty and performance and this has made the internet find a throwback.
The Internet claims she looked drastically different and dropped their thoughts. One user wrote, ¡°Please go back to where you came.¡± Another said, ¡°Please go back to where you came.¡± The third one commented, ¡°Plastic is everything¡±. The fourth shared, ¡°She looks so different.¡±
Several reports suggest that Nayanthara has gone back to her maiden industry and is not willing to do a Bollywood movie further. A source close to HT revealed, ¡°She has been very upset with Atlee because her role was chopped in the film. Also, Deepika¡¯s (Padukone) character was elevated and Nayantara¡¯s part was significantly sidelined.¡±
The source further revealed, ¡°It was not a cameo at all. Jawan was almost made to look like an SRK-Deepika film. Nayanthara is the leading actor down south, and hence, she was not happy with the treatment of Jawan. And that can never well be the reason why we might not see her in a Bollywood project, at least not anytime soon.¡±
For those who don¡¯t know Nayanthara never actually attends any film events as a rule. The actress follows a no-promotion policy owing to her past bad experiences where she was misquoted. Nayanthara feels her job is just to act and not muddle in any promotional activities.
Nayanthara also has apprehensions about Bollywood due to the age bracket this industry has created for actresses.
The same source shared, ¡°The reason is that she is almost 40 and has crossed the age bracket that Bollywood has created. So, here in Bollywood, she can play character roles that justify her age. In Jawan, she worked well because she was cast opposite Shah Rukh, who is a good match for her.¡±
On the work front, Nayanthara will be next seen in Iraivan, Test and Nayanthara75 which is currently filming with a temporary title.
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