Earlier this week after Narcotics Control Bureau (NCB) arrested late actor Sushant Singh Rajput's flat-mate Siddharth Pithani in Hyderabad, then NCB also interrogated the actor's two house help members?Keshav Bachner and Neeraj Singh.?
The NCB has also explained in great detail how their case has been made a lot stronger after they were able to arrest Siddharth Pithani and it was only possible because of an Instagram post.
According to Mid-Day, NCB was looking out for Siddharth since August 2020. He was one of the members who were present at Sushant¡¯s residence when he was found hanging in his bedroom. The report suggests that NCB tracked Siddharth through his new Instagram handle. He had deleted his old account soon after Sushant passed away.??
Siddharth Pithani was busy posting pictures from his new Instagram account and that's how he was traced by NCB. Along with the pictures, he had written, ¡°Pizza power #foodandfitness @fitnessturfasraonagar¡± Siddharth had also posted a picture from his engagement.?
Will Sushant Singh Rajput be brought to justice?