Veteran actor Jackie Shroff has filed a suit in the Delhi High Court to protect his personality and publicity rights. The suit is against entities using his name, photos, voice, and the term 'Bhidu' without his consent for commercial purposes. The court is expected to deliver a verdict soon to safeguard the actor's publicity rights. The case is scheduled for hearing today, May 14.
ANI states, ¡°Actor Jackie Shroff moves Delhi High Court seeking protection of his personality and publicity rights. The suit has been filed against various entities using his name, photographs, voice and word "Bhidu" without his consent.¡±
He said as per CNN, ¡°You have to protect the bodywork, the kind of person you have, your family and yourself. I didn't take the lead. I think it was Amitabh Bachchan who took the lead in this. I took a step further. Obviously, there's a long way ahead and I'll keep on doing my best, fighting for my rights as a human being, actor, person, citizen of this country India, as well as the entire planet.¡±
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Anil Kapoor had won a lawsuit protecting his rights to his name, voice, image, likeness, mannerisms, and even his catchphrase 'jhakaas'. The Delhi High Court has ordered that these aspects of his persona cannot be used for commercial purposes without his permission.
Talking about it, he had told Variety, ¡°I think [the decision] is very progressive and great not only for me but for other actors also ¡ Because of the way AI technology is evolving every day.¡± He also said, ¡± It¡¯s not only for me. Today I¡¯m there to protect myself, but when I¡¯m not there, the family should have the right to protect my [personality] and gain from it in future." ¡°It¡¯s only a matter of time before you¡¯ll be able to recreate any dead person at any age with the voice and the mannerisms, so I want to have some control.¡±
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