What most people don't know is that in the year 2016, Bollywood actor Manoj Bajpayee and the director of Bhosle, Devashish Makhija were in desperate need of producers and backing to build their passion project to life. But little did they know, their humble and exceptional film will be recognized with a Best Actor award?at the 67th National Film Awards.??
Devashish Makhija¡¯s Bhonsle was a story about Mumbai¡¯s decades-old anti-North Indian conflict and just how viciously Bihari migrants are treated across the country.? Bajpayee won the National Film Award for his role as a terminally-ill Maharashtrian constable in Makhija¡¯s politically inflected drama.? ?
Even the Internet was supremely happy with Manoj Bajpayee's National Award win and couldn't stop praising the importance of true actors getting their long due.
Discover reactions to Manoj Bajpyee's win for Bhosle here.
We can't wait to see more of Manoj Bajpyee every chance we get and now the whole country would be watching too!