Pakistani actor Fawad Khan's latest release The Legend of Maula Jatt has finally entered the Rs 100 crore club at the global box office just days after its release. The actor shared the good news about his film with his fans via his social media account.?
The remake of 1979 cult Punjabi classic ¡®The Legend of Maula Jatt¡¯ stars Mahira Khan, Hamza Ali Abbasi, Humaima Malick, Faris Shafi, Gohar Rasheed, Nayyer Ejaz, Ali Azmat, Raheela Agha, Shafqat Cheema, Zia Khan, and Saima Baloch in key roles apart from Fawad Khan as its lead actor.?
Directed and written by Bilal Lashari, The Legend of Maulana Jatt focuses on the life of prizefighter Maulana Jatt, who is haunted by his past demons and faces off against one of the most dreadful fighters of the time, Noori Natt.?
Moreover, according to Deadline, speaking of the Fawad Khan-starrer, director Bilal Lashari said that he is beyond overwhelmed by the love the film has received from the audiences and critics alike from all over the world.?
The actor said that he was hospitalized after his kidneys shut down. Fawad said that he was trying to follow in the footsteps of Christian Bale and Aamir Khan and do what they do for their films. However, he would never try it again.
¡°There is a dark underbelly to all of these physical transformations and people should know that when you make these decisions, it is taking a huge toll on your health. And it happened. Ten days into it, I was hospitalized. My kidneys shut down,¡± Fawad was quoted as saying by the media outlet.?
On the work, Fawad Khan became famous after he featured in the romantic and heartwarming Pakistani serial Zindagi Gulzar Hai alongside Sanam Saeed in the lead roles.?
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