As the Mumbai police continue to investigate Sushant Singh Rajput's unfortunate death, it is now reported that two former senior officials from Yash Raj Films have been questioned for several hours and their statements have been recorded over the late actor's contracts with the production house.?
According to a Mumbai Mirror report, these two former senior executives were in-charge when Sushant Singh Rajput signed a film contract with Yash Raj Films in the year 2012.?
According to police sources, the two officials questioned are?Ashish Singh, former Vice President Production at YRF, and Ashish Patil, who was also with YRF earlier, were the two signatories on the contract that Sushant Singh Rajput had signed with YRF in 2012.??
Earlier this week, the police requested contract copies from Yash Raj Films, and after the investigation ends will we have answers to what compelled to take such a drastic step. It should also be noted that people have been demanding a CBI probe in the investigation as there is massive distrust in the police.?