Bollywood actor and internet sensation Ranveer Singh, who made people go gaga over his nude pictures on social media recently sparked rumours of his separation from wife Deepika Padukone.?
The post was shared on Twitter by a self-proclaimed film critic and member of the overseas censor board namely Umair Sandhu. The tweet went viral and fans of DeepVeer were left heartbroken.?
However, people bashed the user for spreading fake news, and now a video of Ranveer Singh speaking of his wife fondly at an event has surfaced on social media putting an end to the rumours.?
Ranveer also went to drop a hint on doing a new project with his darling wife Deepika. Addressing the question that the couple's fans have been eagerly waiting to learn, the Bajirao Mastani actor spoke of teaming up with his co-star wife for a project and said that there's a sweet surprise for the audience.?
Meanwhile, it's not the first time Ranveer is giving credit to his wife. The Gully Boy actor often showers his love on Deepika and recently he called Deepika on stage after he won the Best Actor award at the Filmfare Awards.?
He said, ¡°The secret to my success, my wife. Ranveer Singh, powered by Deepika Padukone."?
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