Amid Aryan Khan's arrest, Shah Rukh Khan's new advertisement is going viral. In this ad by Cadbury, SRK shares a thought-provoking and powerful message.?
In the advertisement,?SRK cheers for small, local businesses that were affected by the coronavirus pandemic.?The commercial is tagged 'Not Just a Cadbury Ad'. It showcases local vendors narrating their stories on how the pandemic has affected them and their businesses.?
"This Diwali, we helped hundreds of small businesses by making India¡¯s biggest brand ambassador, their brand ambassador," the video says.
Shah Rukh Khan takes the names of several local vendors and urges people to buy from them. "Because it's difficult to cover all of the stores... we gave the public the power to create their own version of 'Not Just a Cadbury Ad."
What do you think of the advertisement? Let us know in the comment section below.?
(Also Read: New Twist In Aryan Khan Drug Case As Witness Claims Rs 26 Crore Deal; NCB Denies Claim)