After Rajkumar Hirani said that he had decided to cast Shah Rukh Khan after watching him TV show Circus but had to wait for 20 years before he could work with him recently released movie Dunki, now the actor has also spilled the beans on why they couldn't work together earlier. Khan revealed that he was in fact the first choice for Munna Bhai MBBS and 3 Idiots.?
"Actually, we¡¯re very old friends. When he started his career as a director ¨C he was an editor ¨C he wrote a film called Munna Bhai MBBS," he said. When the superstar was offered the film, he was shooting for Devdas. He said yes without even listening to the script of the movie simply because he loved the title. Khan narrated the incident and said, "He said, ¡®You haven¡¯t heard it¡¯. I said, ¡®I love the title, it¡¯s a fantastic title, Munna Bhai MBBS¡¯. We were supposed to do that film, we sat on it for six-seven months. But I had a sudden injury, I had a spine surgery, and they didn¡¯t know when I would recover".
Again, things didn't work in his favour. "We worked on the script, we did the casting together. But there was a timing issue, one of my films got delayed, I had a setback with another injury¡ I told him to finish it off. It was a very ambitious project, 3 Idiots, so I said, ¡®You can¡¯t have an actor coming from one film and going to another, so you please go ahead and do this¡¯. So, that one didn¡¯t happen,"? he said in an interview with?Saudi Arabian platform MBC Group.
Meanwhile, SRK-Hirani's Dunki has got mixed response from the audience. The actor?had earlier said that his recent release?Dunki?is close to his heart and that he feels he should play age-appropriate roles as he is 58 years old now. He said that Rajkumar Hirani directorial, he feels, is closest to his age.?
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