Bollywood actress Deepika Padukone is being subjected to a lot of hate on social media. It all started after her visit to JNU to show solidarity with the students who were protesting against the violence. While a lot of people are trolling her, there are several people from the industry who have taken a stand for her and applauded her.
Joining the bandwagon is Congress leader and veteran actor Shatrughan Sinha.
Talking about "BJP trolls", Shatrughan Sinha said that he doesn't know what would have they done to leaders like Mahatma Gandhi and Jayprakash Narayan had they been alive today. He also said that targeting someone who takes a stand for the country is "not a big deal, but business" for trolls.
"Fortunately, Gandhi ji and JP (as Narayan was popularly known) are not among us. Don't know what the trolls would have done to them," Sinha said.
He alleged the BJP's war room and "its trolls" see those who are standing with the truth and are coming to the forefront in the interest of the country as "anti-nationals".
"They (trolls) themselves are doing things which an anti-national would do, but are seeing others as anti-nationals. For them, it is neither a big thing nor a bad thing, they are doing their business," he added.
Asked by a reporter that his daughter and Bollywood actress Sonkashi may get trolled for supporting Padukone, Sinha said he and his family is already being trolled since a long time.?