Former Indian Idol contestant?Farmani Naaz is facing criticism for singing a Hindi devotional song. Naaz who took up singing to support her ailing son sang a bhajan on Lord Shiva titled Har Har Shambhu. The?Muzaffarnagar singer's song became so popular that it was extensively played during Kawar Yatra. However, Muslim clerics in?Deoband are not happy with this.?
Furthermore, she said that she is an artiste, and an artiste has no religion. "An artist has no religion. I sing devotional songs as well as qawwali...?An artist does not perform by seeing Hindu-Muslim. When we sing, we do not think if it is a Hindu song or not. We sing because it is our profession," she told the channel.
Naaz had gotten married in 2017 to Imran Ahmad from Meerut. The man turned out to be unfaithful to her. Her newborn son had throat related problems after which her in-laws demanded her to get some additional money home. That's when Farmani Naaz started singing, a childhood dream that remained suppressed because her parents didn't allow her to sing. In no time, she had 3.84 million followers and subscribers on social media.
Her mother now supports her and says she sings all kinds of songs to support her son.?
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