Somy Ali has seemingly taken a U-turn, days after making explosive revelations about Salman Khan, Sushant Singh Rajput, Akshay Kumar and Jiah Khan among others. The former actress and Khan's ex-girlfriend who said that Salman Khan is abusive and forces abortion, Akshay Kumar propositioned her, and Sushan Singh Rajput was murdered, has now denied these statements she made during Reddit AMA (Ask Me Anything session) and said that it wasn't her but her team member who wrote those replies.?
Somy Ali is unhinged in AMA - Part 1 - SSR murdered; Bhai sleeps n gives STD; Forces abortions; Tharki Akki
byu/RajaHindustaani inBollyBlindsNGossip
Somy Ali said that she took part in Reddit session to promote No More Tears. She said that Akshay Sharma, the Vice President of her organization, made comments about Salman Khan and the late Sushant Singh Rajput without her knowledge or approval which gained unexpected media attention.?
"I want to take a moment to address the recent controversy," she said. "My purpose in participating was solely to promote No More Tears, my NGO dedicated to supporting victims of domestic violence and human trafficking. Unfortunately, some comments made in my name... led to a wave of misinterpretations and distractions."
"I have no interest in discussing individuals from my past or anything beyond the work we do at No More Tears," she clarified. Ali noted that she initially agreed to the Reddit session solely to raise awareness about her NGO¡¯s work, not to delve into controversies about her personal history.??
"Attention seeker Somy Ali changes her statement about Reddit session," one of the users wrote. This isn't the first time Somy has backtracked. She has previously as well made statement about Bollywood heroes via Instagram posts and deleted them a day later.?
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