South Korean actor Song Jae Rim was found dead in Seoul in an unexpected turn of events. The 39-year-old actor had already established himself in the business thanks to his hard work and his passing has left people in deep shock. Many people felt devastated to learn of his death, and since then, they have been posting tributes on social media. Following the news of his death, Song Jaw Rim's Instagram bio and final post attracted a lot of attention. According to reports, his post was made over ten months ago, and his Instagram bio was recently updated. Fans thought that everything was worrisome and that he might be dealing with mental health concerns when they noticed the same thing, but none of this is verified and is only conjecture.??
As for his last post. Song Jae Rim had posted a photo of himself in a black tshirt taking a mirror selfie. He shared the photo with a covered mouth emoji in the caption. The postĄ¯s comment section was also disabled.?
Coming to the Instagram bio, he had written,Ą°Start of a long journey."?
HereĄ¯s what fans have to say:
Song Jae Rim was found dead in his Seongdong apartment in Seoul, according to FreePressJournal. A two-page letter was found in his home as the local police began their investigation. Cause of his death is still unknown. Jae Rim's funeral is scheduled for November 14. His family has established a memorial area in the Yeouido St. Mary's Hospital Funeral Hall.
Also read:?39-yr-old K-Drama star Song Jae-rim found dead, cops discover two-page note from Seoul apartment
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