Bollywood actress Swara Bhasker who got married to politician Fahad Ahmad in Feb this year took to Twitter to share the happiest news with her fans. Sharing photos of her in which she is flaunting her baby bump, the Veere Di Wedding actress announced her pregnancy.?
"Sometimes all your prayers are answered all together! Blessed, grateful, excited (and clueless! ) as we step into a whole new world! ?????? @FahadZirarAhmad #comingsoon #Family #Newarrival #gratitude #OctoberBaby", she wrote.?
Fans in the comments are showering them with love and blessing.?
"Congrats Swara and Fahad. What a lovely moment... and a magical one too."
"Cheesy but seriously- kaala teeka on three of you. sending sooooooo much love your way. let us fix the world a little bit before the lil one arrives."
For the unversed, Swara Bhasker's husband Fahad is the state president of Samajwadi Party's youth wing. As she announced the news of her wedding, she wrote, "Sometimes you search far & wide for something that was right next to you all along. We were looking for love, but we found friendship first. And then we found each other! Welcome to my heart @FahadZirarAhmad It¡¯s chaotic but it¡¯s yours".
"We met on December 19, 2019, for the first time. There was an anti-CAA protest being organised at August Kranti Maidan, and someone told me, ¡®Madam (Swara) kaafi krantikari hain toh inko bulao',"?Fahad Ahmad told TOI.?
When she reached at the protest site, there was a lot of chaos. She managed to reach the stage but was still asking people 'Fahad kaun hai (who is Fahad)?' She then finally met on the stage. As she spoke, he fixed her mic. They met again at another protest and thus became friends. "I liked discussing politics with him and understanding what his views are. His politics is not bitter, even his anger is constructive. He is very positive, I respected that," she said.?