In a shocking turn of events, the Indian Cricket Captain Virat Kohli was accused of 'homophobia' by an an LGBTQIA+ group YesWeExistIndia. In a post that's going viral on social media, the official handle of the group took to Instagram to share their experience.?
Mainly focusing on Kohli's restaurants' current 'alleged' situation, the YesWeExistIndia group alleged that the restaurant only allows cisgender heterosexual couples or groups of cisgender women.?
Read the original post here:
Tagging Zomato, the post also questions the company as they had earlier agreed to partner with restaurants that discriminated against people of LGBTQIA+ communities.?
"@virat.kohli, you are probably not aware of this, but your restaurant @one8.commune in Pune discriminates against LGBTQIA+ guests. The other branches, too have a similar policy. This is unexpected and unacceptable.?
Hope you make the necessary changes asap. @deepigoyal @zomato - either do a better job at sensitising restaurants or stop providing your platform to businesses that discriminate.?
Often it¡¯s the high-end restaurants that practise such discriminatory policies, the ones that you most likely get large sums of ad money from. This needs to end. #viratkohli #lgbtqindia #stophomophobia #transphobia #zomato"
Die-hard Virat Kohli fans are eagerly waiting for Kohli to come out and clear misunderstandings (if any) and share his side of the story.?