Recently, Akshay Kumar and Dinesh Vijan were questioned about Naga Vamsi's statement that "Bollywood is making films for Bandra and Juhu" during the release of the movie Sky Force trailer. The two were requested to respond to the Devara producer's criticism of the industry by saying that, during a time when the Indian cinema industry is being celebrated, the "whole of Mumbai didn't sleep after Pushpa 2 earned over Rs. 80 crore in a single day."
?When asked about his reaction to Naga Vamsi's remark, Dinesh said, ¡°Since the pandemic, there are five Hindi films which have crossed ?500 crore. Maybe we don't speak a lot about ourselves, but the fact is we have had five huge films. And just Maddock films aren't enough to run the industry. I think there might be 1-2 people here, 1-2 people there, but whenever I've gone to the South, they've been very encouraging. So I think if we start looking at it like it's the Indian film industry, maybe 500 + 800 equals ?1,300 crore. So why don't we aim for that?¡±
To put things in perspective, in a roundtable discussion hosted by Galatta Plus, Telugu film producer Naga Vamsi recently stated that the Hindi film industry concentrates on producing movies for upscale neighborhoods in Mumbai, such as Bandra and Juhu. He directed his remarks at renowned producer Boney Kapoor, who also participated in the interview.?
Additionally, on January 24, 2025, Sky Force, which is directed by Sandeep Kewlani and Abhishek Anil Kapoor, will be released in theaters.
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