On Wednesday, actress Rashmika Mandanna was spotted in a wheelchair at the airport before leaving for the trailer launch of her upcoming film Chhaava. Earlier this month, the actor was working out at the gym when she sustained a leg injury but like we know, there is not stopping Rashmika! As soon as her video went viral on the internet, concerned fans were quick to wish her well and also laud her dedication towards her work.
Fans offered their concerns as soon as the video went viral online online after it was shared by a well-known page.
One wrote, ¡°Get well soon.¡± Another added, ¡°She is so dedicated.¡± A third went on to add, ¡°Look at her, always so positive.¡±
A week ago, the actress took to Instagram to tell her fans about the injury. In the post, she shared pictures of herself wearing a cast on her leg.
She captioned the post as, ¡°Well¡ happy New Year to me I guess! Injured myself in my sacred gym shrine. Now I¡¯m in ¡°hop mode¡± for the next few weeks or months or god only knows, so seems like I¡¯ll be hopping my way back to sets for Thama, Sikandar, and Kubera! To my directors sorry for the delay¡I¡¯ll be back soon enough just making sure my legs are fit for action (or at least fit for hopping). In the meantime if you need me¡I¡¯ll be the one in the corner doing a highly advanced bunny hop workout. HOP HOP HOP.¡±
On Tuesday, Rashmika Mandanna's first look in Chhaava was released In the movie, she portrays Queen Yesubai, Chattrapati Sambhaji's spouse. In the title character of Chhaava, Vicky Kaushal portrays Chhatrapati Sambhaji Maharaj, a Maratha warrior and king.
?Chhaava will be released on 14th Feb 2025.?
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