Chhaava Trailer: Vicky Kaushal is starting his period-drama era with this much-awaited Laxman Utekar directorial. The actor is stepping in the shoes of Chhatrapati Sambhaji Maharaj with Rashmika Mandanna playing his wife Maharani Yesubai. However, this thriller's trailer was recently released, only to meet with utmost disappointment. The only praising point for the internet is Akshaye Khanna who is all set to play Mughal Shahenshah Aurangzeb in it.
The trailer shows a story of war between the Marathas and the Mughals, with the Mughals, led by Aurangzeb, trying to take over the Deccan region after Shivaji's death. The title "Chhaava" means "lion cub," which reflects the spirit of bravery and leadership. The film focuses on how Sambhaji, played by Vicky, worked to keep the Maratha empire strong while facing constant threats from those trying to take their land.
The Mughals, under Aurangzeb, wanted to conquer the Marathas after Shivaji passed away. It's known that Sambhaji once saved Aurangzeb¡¯s son and protected him from his father¡¯s anger. Sambhaji was a skilled warrior who successfully defended Maratha lands against the Mughals, even winning battles like the one at Wai. The film is packed with action, showing Sambhaji¡¯s leadership during a tough period for the Marathas.
With such a strong story, fans were expecting a little too much from the cast but have met with a large sea of disappointment. One user said, ¡°A dancing Chhatrapati Sambhaji Maharaj wasn¡¯t on my 2025 bingo card. Please don¡¯t make historical characters dance. Pretty please!¡± Another said, ¡°This looks and sounds sooo mid¡Why is Vicky shouting soooo much dude.¡±
The audiences are only hopeful for Akshaye Khanna's performance in Chhaava. One user wrote, "Akshaye Khanna is incredible! The glimpse of Divya Dutta is impressive." Another added, "Vicky's accent also feels a bit off. Rashmika is off too. I only have high hopes for Akshaye." The third one added, "Akshaye Khanna is the moment in this movie. Screen presence raised to the max. Aisa hota hai villain."
Chhaava is arriving in theatres near you on February 14. Share your thoughts about the trailer @indiatimes.
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