We all know how popular Shah Rukh Khan is. The actor is well-known not just in India but even globally. For instance, a Japanese influencer recently imitated Shah Rukh Khan, and the video has gone viral on social media. He was seen in the video mimicking the actor's lines from Chennai Express. He could be heard saying? ¡°I love you Meenamma¡±. The video elicited the most amusing responses on the Internet. Scroll down to know more.?
Taking to the comment section, people shared their reactions and said that he is ¡®speaking Japanese in Tamil.¡¯ People also pointed out how his expressions were on point.?
One wrote, ¡°Bro spoke Japanese in a Tamil accent.¡± Another added, ¡°Why did this sound slightly south indian in the start.¡±
A third went on to add, ¡°'Mai tumse bhut pyar krta hu' was so ON POINT.¡±
Recently, filmmaker Rahul Dholakia revealed amazing details about the production of his Shah Rukh Khan-starring 2017 movie Raees. Speaking with casting director Mukesh Chhabra he dished out certain details.
Dholakia emphasized a crucial sequence in which Nawazuddin Siddiqui's character, played by Shah Rukh Khan, is called to the police station of IPS Majmudar. It's interesting to note that the sequences that came before and after this particular moment were filmed seven months apart.
In terms of his upcoming projects, Shah Rukh Khan's next movie is King, an action thriller directed by Sujoy Ghosh.?
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