Deepika Padukone and Ranveer Singh are leaving the world mesmerized with their joyful appearance after marriage. The couple, who were back in town on November 18 after their marriage in Italy at Lake Como, has now yet again left for their reception in Bengaluru.
The paparazzi went crazy to catch a glimpse of them at the airport. The couple, too, happily posed for the shutterbugs till they got their good pictures. But something unusual happened which left Deepika blushing.
Also read:?All Set For Their Wedding Reception, Ranveer-Deepika Beam With Joy As They Leave For Bengaluru
Viral Bhayani
Talking about their reception in Bengaluru (November 21), it will again be a private family affair, where Deepika¡¯s parents have invited all the close friends and family members to shower their blessings to the newlyweds.?
Hopefully, unlike wedding pictures, we would be able to get our hands on their reception snaps.