Supriya Pathak and Manoj Pahwa star in the recently released comedy-drama series 'Home Shanti.' The strength of Home Shanti stems from its simplicity, protagonists, and no-frills treatment. Viewers have given the series positive feedback, describing it as humorous and intriguing.
Home Shanti Story
The Disney Plus Hotstar show has a middle-class Joshi family from Dehradun as its protagonists.
Manoj Pahwa plays Umesh Joshi, who is a Hindi newspaper columnist and his wife Principal Sarla Joshi is played by Supriya Pathak. They have two children, a daughter named Jigyasa and a son named Naman. All four of them are about to embark on a new journey to make their dream home after 25 years. The Joshis, like any other middle-class family, want a place to call home, and they work hard to make that a reality.
Here are some interesting tweets about ¡®Home Shanti¡±
It's a touching story about the bonds formed between two generations during times of adversity. Aakanksha Dua is the director of Home Shanti.