Tom Hanks who starred in the original?Laal Singh Chaddha, titled Forrest Gump, has revealed that he has never been offered a Marvel movie. However, he said that will is open to starring in one of the movies if offered the role. The actor compared MCU to John Ford¡¯s Western films that dominated the market at that time.
Also Read:?Tom Hanks Paid For Some 'Forrest Gump' Scenes When Money Got Tight & Made Rs 478 Cr In Return
He said this while answering why he has never entered the superhero realm. He replied that he has been asked to. "Is there an era of film in which a very particular type of movie dominated the marketplace?" he asked.
"You could say Westerns in the 50s, alright¡ Let¡¯s take John Ford¡¯s Westerns. You can maybe say that that is the John Ford Universe of Westerns. It¡¯s not that different, perhaps, from the Marvel Universe of Motion Pictures."
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"If it's a bodacious John Ford Western, would you do it?", Hanks asked and moments answered his own question, saying, "You might do that."
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"Look, I haven't seen [every MCU movie]. I'll give you that right now... but the ones I've seen I've never come away from [them] without thinking, 'There are a couple of great performances in there. Man, those people really gave their all.'"
"Then after that, it¡¯s like, did they examine the theme that I wanted to be seen? I could tell you, all of them are quite good. They¡¯re all quite good," he said on?Happy Sad Confused podcast.
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