The Kapoor Khandan recently celebrated Raj Kapoor's cinematic legacy on his 100th birth anniversary which was attended by the who¡¯s who of Bollywood. The two famous actor-couple Ranbir Kapoor and Alia Bhatt along with Saif Ali Khan and Kareena Kapoor attended the event in all glams and glitter but what has caught the internet¡¯s eyes is a major point of difference between the two couples.
In a video that has gone viral on the internet, both the mentioned couples were spotted sitting on the floor for a group photograph. However, when the posing ended, Ranbir and Alia immediately got up and headed on two different sides while Saif, like a gentleman helped Kareena get up and shared a smile together.
While the off chemistry between Alia and Ranbir has always been a talking point, this incident just let the debate resurface extensively. One user wrote, ¡°I feel bad for Alia she has all the qualities to be with a better man.¡± Another added, ¡°1 man and 1 boy in 1 frame, you mean.¡± Someone also said, ¡°Green flag and red flag in the same frame.¡± ¡°The faces of both women say it all,¡± the fourth commented.
A few also defended Alia and Ranbir and felt the couple didn¡¯t believe in showing off. One user expressed, ¡°Idk man but I really find both of them in love. No accusations or rumours on any of them of cheating and stuff, letting each other have their moments and most importantly they shine individually too.¡± ¡°Why do we compare couples? There is no rule book,¡± another one said.
What do you think of this video and the relationship between Ranbir and Alia? Tell us @indiatimes.
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