Madha Gaja Raja box office prediction day 3: Madha Gaja Raja, which hit the screens on January 12, is doing well at the Tamil Nadu box office. The film collected Rs 10 crore on its first two days despite facing competition from Vanangaan and Ram Charan¡¯s Game Changer. The action comedy also received encouraging reviews with critics praising the comic elements and the performances. Madha Gaja Raja is expected to witness some growth on Tuesday, January 14.?
Madha Gaja Raja Vishal and Anjaii¡¯s 13-year-old action comedy finally hit the screens on January 12 and opened better than expected at the box office. According to Ramesh Bala, it is set to pack a punch on its third day and collect around Rs 7 crore.?
¡°I feel the film should do around Rs 7 crore today. There are other releases but the figure will be between Rs 6 crore and Rs 7 crore<¡± he told India Times.?
The film benefited from the Pongal holiday and the positive word-of-mouth. The mixed response to Game Changer and Bala¡¯s Vanangaan too appears to be working in its favour.? Even Kadhalikka Neramillai has apparently not dented its collections as Ravi¡¯s film caters mainly to an urban audience.?
Madha Gaja Raja is an action comedy that features Vishal and Santhanam in the lead. The cast includes Anjali, Varalaxmi Sarathkumar, Sonu Sood, and the late Manobala. The centres around mistaken identity. Madha Gaja Raja is directed by Sundar C. Vijay Antony serves as the music composer.?
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