"Dil Chahta Hai" remains one of the most iconic and beloved films in Indian cinema. Released in 2001, it redefined friendship, love, and the bond between three young men navigating the complexities of life. The film's unforgettable characters, engaging music, and realistic portrayal of relationships turned it into a cult classic. Recently, Preity Zinta took to Instagram to share a behind-the-scenes anecdote from the song shoot, that had fans reminiscing about the cult classic.
Reflecting on the day they shot "Jaane Kyu Log Pyar Karte Hai" in Sydney, Preity says, "I still remember the moment this photo was taken. We were shooting the song in Sydney. Like all shoots, we had to hurry and finish within a certain time frame. so everyone was focused on wrapping up the shoot as quickly as possible."
But it wasn't just the hectic schedule that was on Preity's mind that day. "Of course, I missed breakfast that morning, so all I could think of was food!" she admitted.
Once the filming for the song wrapped up, she was asked to pose for a few still photos. But being extremely hungry, Preity wasn't happy: "I made a face & said I'm starving. Can we do this later?"
However, the crew insisted on completing the photos, telling her it would only take a second. "Just look at the camera and think of a yummy chocolate croissantĄ" they suggested.
"Ą. And that's exactly what I did," Zinta recalls.
She says, "This photo always reminds me of enjoying & appreciating the little things that bring us so much Joy."
Now, Preity is gearing up for her return to the big screen in Lahore 1947, alongside Sunny Deol, after taking a long hiatus from acting to concentrate on her business ventures and personal life.
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