Allu Arjun¡¯s Pushpa 2, which hit the screens on December 5, opened to a sensational response at the box office and collected a stunning Rs 164.25 crore in India on the first day. The film continued its stellar run on Friday (December 6).?
Pushpa 2, starring Allu Arjun, packed a punch on its second day and remained the undisputed choice of the mass audience. According to Sacnilk¨C a a trade website¨Cit earned Rs 90.1 crore in India on December 6. Of this, Rs 27.1 crore came from the Telugu states. It also raked in an impressive Rs 55 crore from the Hindi market.?
The film¡¯s day 2 collection is nearly 45% lower than what it made on the Thursday This, however, is not too surprising as it was a working day
Here is the day-wise report for Pushpa 2:
Day 0 (premieres): Rs 10.65 crore
Day 1: Rs 164.25 crore
Day 2: Rs 90.1 crore
The total collection stands at Rs 265 crore.??Pushpa 2 has received rave reviews with critics lauding the performances and the presentation. The word-of-mouth is positive. This is expected to help the film wreck havoc at the box office over the weekend.?
The Sukumar-directed biggie is an action drama that deals with the events that transpire when the titular character reignites his feud with SP Bhanwar Singh Shekhawat (Fahadh Faasil), his arch-rival. The film stars Rashmika Mandanna as the leading lady and has proved to be a game-changer for her.? She impressed fans with her performance in the biggie by holding her own against Bunny in a few emotional sequences. The film also includes Sunil, Rao Ramesh, Jagapathi Babu, and Sritej. The music is composed by Devi Sri Prasad, who won a National Award for the first part. He has also composed for films such as Maharshi and Legend.
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