The Allu Arjun-led Pushpa 2, which hit the screens on December 5, has set the box office on fire and emerged as a game-changer for Telugu cinema. The film raked in nearly Rs 726 crore in India in the first eight days and proved to be the undisputed choice of the masses. The actioner continued its stellar run on December 13, its second Friday.?
Pushpa 2 is doing phenomenal business at the domestic box office and has received rave reviews with critics lauding the performances. It continued its dream run on December 13. According to Sacnilk, a trade website, the actioner earned Rs 36.3 crore (nett) on its ninth day. This figure is only 3% lower than the Rs 37.45 crore it made on December 12.?
Here is the day-wise box office report of Pushpa 2:
Day 1: Rs 164.25 crore
Day 2: Rs 93.8 crore
Day 3: Rs 119.25 crore
Day 4: Rs 141.05 crore
Day 5: Rs 64.45 crore
Day 6: Rs 51.55 crore
Day 7: Rs 43.35 crore
Day 8: Rs 37.45 crore
Day 9: Rs 36.3 crore?
The film¡¯s total collection stands at Rs 762.1 crore. Pushpa 2 is expected to witness a massive jump today, December 14, as the word-of-mouth is impressive. The film faces virtually no competition at the box office till the Atlee-backed Baby John hits the screens on December 25.?
The Sukumar-helmed Pushpa 2 is an action drama that revolves around the events that unfold when the titular smuggler reignites his bitter rivalry with SP Bhanwar Singh Shekhawat (Fahadh Faasil), his arch nemesis and an arrogant cop.??The film stars Rashmika Mandanna as the female protagonist and marks her return as Srivalli, Pushpa¡¯s wife. The ¡®National Crush¡¯ has impressed fans by holding her own against ¡®Bunny¡¯? and proved to be the sequel¡¯s surprise package. Pushpa 2¡¯s cast also includes Sunil, Rao Ramesh, Sritej , Jagapathi Babu, and Saurabh Sachdeva. Sreeleela makes a special appearance in the Kissik song. Devi Sri Prasad, who bagged a National Award for Pushpa, serves as the film¡¯s music director.? ¡®Rockstar¡¯ is also known for his work on films such as Rangasthalam and 1.
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