Ram Charan's Game Changer, the highly anticipated blockbuster of the Sankranti season, made a massive splash at the Box Office, raking in Rs 186 crore on its opening day, January 10. The impressive figure was proudly shared on the film's official social media, marking it as one of the highest openings ever for an Indian film¡ªranking fourth behind Pushpa 2, Baahubali 2, and RRR. But, controversial filmmaker Ram Gopal Varma, known for his provocative comments, has questioned the earnings with his signature flair: "South is much more FANTASTIC in being a FRAUD."
Varma took to social media to question the authenticity of the figures, suggesting a far more dramatic interpretation.
In his post on X, he began by acknowledging the impact of South Indian cinema, particularly under the direction of renowned filmmakers like S.S. Rajamouli and Sukumar, whose films such as Baahubali, RRR, and KGF 2 have revolutionised the industry.?
However, he quickly shifted his focus to Game Changer, saying, "If @ssrajamouli and @SukumarWritings sky rocketed Telugu cinema in real time collections into fantastically stratospheric heights thereby sending legitimate shock waves into Bollywood, the people behind G C succeeded in proving that the south is much more FANTASTIC in being a FRAUD."
Varma's post took a sharp jab at the claims surrounding Game Changer, arguing that the alleged figures could tarnish the reputation of South Indian cinema as a whole. "I truly don't know who's behind this highly humiliating, disgracing insult of undermining the extraordinary achievements of the south thanks to Baahubali, RRR, KGF 2, Kantara, etc., and all of their achievements will be now in doubt because of G C claims," he added.
He distanced the situation from producer Dil Raju, suggesting that he was not involved in what Varma saw as a misrepresentation. "I don't know who's behind this unbelievably naive lies, but for sure it can't be producer Dil Raju because he is a truly grounded realist and he's incapable of the fraud that is being committed."
In another post on X, Varma elaborated further on the numbers, suggesting that the cost of Game Changer and its first-day collections seemed highly disproportionate.?
"If G C costed some 450 cr, then RRR in its extraordinary, never-before-seen visual appeal should have costed 4500 cr," he quipped.?
He continued, "If G C film's first day collections are 186 cr on day 1, then Pushpa 2 collections should have been 1,860 cr."?
According to Varma, the core issue was the believability of the numbers, which he deemed exaggerated. "The point is that the fundamental requirement of TRUTH is that it should sound BELIEVABLE and in the context of G C a LIE should sound even more BELIEVABLE."
Game Changer, directed by S. Shankar, has made a total collection of Rs 97 crore by January 14, according to Sacnilk, a trade website.?
The film made Rs 51 crore on its first day, followed by Rs 21.6 crore on day two, Rs 15.6 crore on day three, and Rs 8.5 crore on day four.?
While the movie received mixed reviews, critics praised the performances but panned the screenplay.
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