Ranbir Kapoor recently attended an interactive session at the ongoing 55th International Film Festival of India (IFFI) in Goa. The actor spoke about many things including the moral responsibilities of the actor. In no time since this clip surfaced on the internet, netizens reminded the Animal star of all the toxic male characters he has played across his filmography that he himself can¡¯t defend.
A part of Ranbir¡¯s statement read, ¡°As cinema people, as artists, it's our moral responsibility to make movies that entertain people.¡± In another bit, Ranbir was told by a man that his movies like Sanju and Animal leave a bad impression on people and shouldn¡¯t be encouraged.
To this, Kapoor acknowledged that part and said, ¡°I completely agree with your opinion. As an actor, it is our responsibility to bring movies which bring a positive change to the society. Having said that, I'm an actor, it¡¯s very important that I also dabble in different genres and different characters and play varied roles.¡±
Reddit, as always, didn¡¯t leave Kapoor without getting schooled. Several users unanimously agreed that whitewashing for his upcoming film Ramayana has started. One user opined, ¡°Ramayana wash is coming and no one's pr can stop him.¡± Another one said, ¡°Bhai humara taiyar ho raha hai Ramayan ke liye...full PR mode on.¡± The third one added, ¡°Man¡¯s getting ready for Ramayan.¡±
Someone also noted how none of Ranbir Kapoor¡¯s movies has been centred around social awareness and the closest he could get to what he¡®s speaking was Shamshera which had a caste system theme. ¡°The Irony, the audacity & the absolute gall,¡± wrote another person underlining how this case is of an absolute ¡®hypocrisy¡¯ and nothing else.
Nitesh Tiwari's Ramayana, a two-part historical saga, will be released on Diwali 2025 and 2026.
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