Rekhachithram box office collection day 10:?Rekhachithram, the second major Malayalam film of the year after Identity, is doing well at the box office. The film hit the screens on January 9 and collected nearly Rs 2 crore on the first day. It then slowly emerged as the top choice of the Malayalam audience. The thriller continued its run on January 18 and witnessed good growth at the domestic box office.?
Asif Ali is in the limelight because of his latest film Rekhachithram, which hit the screens on January 9. The film received rave reviews and has emerged as a winner. It remained a force to reckon with on its 10th day.?
According to Savcnilk, a trade tracking website, Rekhachithram netted Rs 1.55 crore in India on January 18. This is slightly higher than the Rs 1 crore it earned on January 17.?
Here is the day-wise breakdown for Rekhachithram:
Day 1: Rs 1.9 crore
Day 2: Rs 2.2 crore
Day 3: Rs 3.3 crore
Day 4: Rs 3.75 crore
Day 5: Rs 1.95 crore
Day 6: Rs 2 crore
Day 7: Rs 1.25
Day 8: Rs 85 lakh
Day 9: Rs 1 crore
Day 10: Rs 1.55 crore
The thriller's total collection stands at nearly Rs 20 crore. The film received positive reviews with critics lauding the performances and the twists. This helped it click with the audience. It also benefitted from the dull response to ShankarĄ¯s Game Changer in Kerala.?
Rekhachithram is a thriller, directed by Jofin T Chacko. The director is best known for his work on MammoottyĄ¯s The Priest. Rekhachithram centres on a cop who unearths some dark secrets while investigating an old case. The film features Asif Ali, Anaswara Rajan, and Siddique in the lead.
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