Shahid Kapoor and Mira Rajput often share pictures of their happy family on social media. The couple is blessed with two kids, a girl named Misha and a boy named Zain and never leave a chance to share their adorable kids' photos on Instagram. Mira and Shahid are also close to the former's brother, Ishaan Khatter. Both Shahid and Ishaan are talented Bollywood actors, with several films to their credit.?
Talking about being a single mother, she said, "I raised my kids as a single mother and it was very tough in those days. Now, after working very hard and struggling for so many years, it is a happy time to watch my sons do exceptionally good work in films and spend time with my grand kids. I don't have to now bother about anything and can easily relax while my sons look after me so well. Both Zain and Misha are great fun to be with and it is a delight watching them grow."
She said, "I can never tire talking about Mira. She has brought our entire family together. She keeps us all happy and I am glad that Shahid has found a great companion in her. More than anything, she is very warm, lovable and I feel I am totally blessed to have a happy family now."??
Shahid and Mira got married in 2015 in a small ceremony and their fairytale wedding pics were all over the internet.?
On the work front, Shahid will be seen sharing screen space with his father, Pankaj Kapoor, in Jersey.
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