Sohail Khan and Seema Khan have reportedly filed for a divorce after 24 years of marriage. The couple tied the knot in 1998 and have two sons- Nirvaan and Rohan. As per a TOI report, the couple has called it quits and were snapped outside a family court in Mumbai.?
As per the report, the duo was present at the fourth floor of the family court complex. An official statement from the two is still awaited.?
Photographer Viral Bhayani shared a video of the two present at the family court. The video was captioned, #seemakhan and #sohailkhan at the Bandra court for their official divorce proceedings."
She was also seen talking about her relationship with Sohail in one of the episodes. She had said,?"It's just that sometimes when you grow older, your relationships meanders and goes into different directions. I make no apologies about it because we are happy and my kids are happy. Sohail and I are not a conventional marriage but we are a family. We are a unit. For us, him and me and our children matter at the end of the day."
Seema Sachdev is a fashion designer and will be seen again on the screen in Season 2 of?The Fabulous Lives Of Bollywood Wives.
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