Vanangaan box office collection day 3: Arun Vijay¡¯s Vanangaan, which hit the screens on January 10, opened to a fair response at the Tamil Nadu box office and grossed Rs 3 crore on the first day. It, however, could not keep the momentum going as it witnessed a drop in collections on its first Saturday. Many expected it to grow on Sunday (January 12) but that did not happen. Vanangaan is an action drama, directed by Bala.?
Vanangaan, which put up decent numbers on the first two days, stayed flat on its first Sunday. According to Ramesh Bala, a trade analyst, it grossed Rs 2 crore on January 12.?
¡°The film made Rs 2 crore on Sunday. It had earned the same amount on its second day. Madha Gaja Raja released yesterday and it took away the audience for Vanangaan,¡± he told India Times.
Here is the day-wise breakdown
Day 1: Rs 3 crore
Day 2: Rs 2 crore
Day 3: Rs 2 crore
The total collection stands at Rs 7 crore.
Vanangaan received mixed reviews with? critics praising the performances but panning the screenplay. This dented the film¡¯s prospects. The positive response to Madha Gaja Raja, starring Vishal, also worked against it. Sundar C¡¯s action comedy collected Rs 5 crore on its first day and has emerged as the top choice of the Tamil audience.?
Vanangaan is an action drama that centres on a man who takes the law into his hands to punish wrongdoers. The story delves into his past and the reasons behind his decision to become a vigilante. The film features Arun Vijay and Roshini Prakash as the lead pair. It is directed by Bala, best known for his work on films such as Sethu and Naan Kadavul.?
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