Vanangaan box office collection day 2: Vanangaan, starring Arun Vijay, opened to a decent response at the Tamil Nadu box office on January 10 and grossed Rs 3 crore on the first day. It, however, failed to keep the momentum going and witnessed a drop on January 11. Vanangaan is an action drama, directed by Bala.?
Vanangaan, one of the biggest Tamil movies of the Pongal season, made a fair impact at the box office on its opening day and earned Rs 3 crore despite facing competition from Ram Charan and Shankar¡¯s Game Changer. The Bala-helmed flick, however, witnessed a drop on its first Saturday (January 11).?
According to Ramesh Bala, a trade analyst, the action drama grossed Rs 2 crore in Tamil Nadu on the second day.?
?¡°Vanangaan did Rs 2 crore in the state on the second day,¡± he told India Times.?
The film received mixed reviews with critics praising the performances but panning the presentation. The average word-of-mouth affected its prospects. The film is, either way, likely to witness some growth today (January 12) as it is a Sunday. However, its fate will ultimately depend on whether it stays stable once the initial buzz dies down.?
Vanangaan is an action drama that revolves around a man who takes the law into his hands to fight injustice. The story delves into his backstory and explores the events that forced him to become a vigilante. The film features Arun Vijay, Roshini Prakash, and Samuthirakani in the lead. The music is composed by GV Prakash Kumar.??
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