Vijay Babu has been booked for an alleged sexual assault by Ernakulam South Police. Following this, he came live on his Facebook handle and rubbished the claims. The Malayalam actor-producer also said that is the victim and will file a defamation case. Now, as per reports, he is absconding.?
According to the Police, a woman had lodged a complaint against Vijay Babu on April 24. The complainant, a native of Kozhikode district, said that she has been sexually assaulted by him in a flat in Kochi. The offence was repeated by the accused more than once, she alleged in the complaint, which also mentions that he?committed the offense on the pretext of offering the victims roles in movies.
Soon after the reports of sexual assault allegations emerged, Vijay Babu came live on Facebook, called himself a victim, and broke the law by repeatedly naming the victim. Saying that he was writing "a new chapter in #metoo", he said that he would file a defamation case against her.?
Here's what he said:?
"I haven't done anything wrong. I'm the victim in this. The so-called law of this country protects her and she is at ease while I'm the one who is suffering.?
"I will file defamation and a counter-case. It won't be a small case. I won't let her get away that easily. I can share all the proof with me but I won't because I don't want to cause damage to her family.
"I'm answerable only to my wife, mother, sister and friends. And I don't want this to end with a piece of small news saying, 'Vijay Babu found not guilty," said the 45-year-old.?
"I haven't chatted with her between 2018 and 2022. She came for an audition and got her role. All these talks about casting couch and all.. it is me who was suffering.?
"She started sending messages saying she was depressed. From December till March, I have all her messages, and over 400 screenshots. Whatever allegations she may have, rape or consensual I have all on record," said Vijay Babu.
As per TNM, Vijay Babu is absconding and the Police are searching for him outside Kerela. For the unversed, producer Sandra Thomas had also filed a complaint of sexual assault against Vijay Babu. Even then, he had taken to Facebook to deny the claims.