Mohan Babu Vs Manchu Manoj: Tension between actor Mohan and his son Manoj has reached new heights with the two filing police complaints accusing each other of assault. The conflict has been boiling up for quite some time and it now seems to be getting more serious. Here¡¯s what has happened recently and who said what to defend his side.
On December 9, 2024, the veteran Telugu actor Mohan Babu filed a police complaint against his son, Manchu Manoj, and his daughter-in-law, Monika. In his complaint, Mohan Babu claimed that he had been assaulted by his son and that he needed protection from them. He described an incident on December 8, 2024, when Manoj allegedly caused a disturbance at Mohan Babu¡¯s house with the help of some "anti-social elements" he had hired.
Mohan Babu also said that the following morning, around 10:30 AM, he was informed that 30 people, who claimed to be associated with his son, entered his house and forcibly evicted the staff. They reportedly told the staff that no one could enter the house without their permission. Mohan Babu said these people made him feel unsafe and threatened everyone at the house, including himself.
He also mentioned that Manoj and Monika had left their 7-month-old daughter at the house under the care of the maid, which he found troubling. In his complaint, Mohan Babu asked for police protection, stating that he feared for his life due to the actions of his son and daughter-in-law.
In response to his father¡¯s accusations, Manchu Manoj denied all the claims. He took to X and called the allegations "false and malicious." Manoj explained that he and his wife are independent and self-sufficient and have never relied on Mohan Babu for money or property. He said the accusation that he had moved into the family home with bad intentions was completely made up.
Manchu Manoj also responded to the claim that he had abandoned his daughter. He clarified that the child was with her grandmother and nannies at the time and that he and Monika had simply gone out to get medical treatment after being attacked by some unidentified individuals. He also raised concerns about the CCTV footage at the house, claiming that his brother, Vishnu, and two of his associates had removed the CCTV drives, which he found suspicious.
He demanded a proper investigation into the matter. Manchu Manoj further explained that despite working hard on his father¡¯s and brother¡¯s films for years, he felt sidelined in favour of his brother, Vishnu. He also mentioned that the complaint against him came after he had publicly supported students and local businesses who were allegedly being exploited by Vishnu and his associates.
Manoj said he had tried to resolve the family issues through conversations but instead, he is getting attacked with false accusations. This family drama has become a public spectacle, and it¡¯s clear that there¡¯s much more to the story than what¡¯s been shared so far. Indiatimes shall keep you updated with further developments in this case.
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