In a narrative fit for a soap opera, a 30-year-old mother of three from Vaishali, Bihar, married a 15-year-old boy in seventh grade. Videos of Seema, the woman in question, and her much younger husband have gone viral, provoking much debate and intrigue. Watch the viral video here.?
The couple's connection has sparked both interest and criticism, with Seema staunchly defending her decision. When questioned by a reporter about the odd union, she firmly responded, "Pyaar karte the, kar liye shaadi, isme galat kya hai?" (We fell in love, therefore we married. What is wrong with that?).?
Her unabashed answer has sparked debates about love, ageing, and cultural expectations.
The fast romance and marriage have raised some eyebrows, particularly given the boy's age and educational background. Seema, on the other hand, refuses to give up. In one viral video, she is shown yelling at a reporter for questioning her decisions, emphasising her disobedience of society's standards.
However, it remains unclear whether the video was made for the shock value or is real. We couldn't verify from the source. Not only this marriage is illegal concerning the underage boy but also morally wrong.?
Many people commented on the video, calling the union inappropriate and highlighting the boy's age and incomplete education.?
In another comparable case, in Saharsa, Bihar, a woman's husband not only approved to her marrying her lover, a father of two, but also assisted in the wedding planning.
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