A new round of heavy snowfall in Himachal Pradesh's Manali on Monday left several vehicles stuck and tourists delayed for hours between Solang and Atal Tunnel, Rohtang.According to officials, some 1,000 automobiles were stranded in a long traffic congestion, causing police to initiate a rescue operation and relocate approximately 700 tourists to safer locations.?
As snow continued to fall, images from the area showed police officers assisting passengers and drivers in managing their vehicles.
Local authorities also helped coordinate the rescue efforts.The surge of tourists visiting to celebrate Christmas and New Year in the snow-covered Alps appears to have exacerbated the situation.?
Shimla had previously been blanketed in immaculate snow, offering the population new hope and joy.The mesmerising snowfall, which began after a two-week hiatus since the first snowfall on December 8, has not only delighted visitors but also reenergised the local tourism business, which has been battling to recover from the losses caused by the COVID-19 pandemic.
Tourists from all over the country are pleased with snowfall.?
A video from the scene has surfaced on social media, showing a cop encouraging visitors to drive responsibly and directing them down the road to clear the gridlock.?
In the video, a cop standing in heavy snow tells cars, "Sabash, chaliye sabash," to keep traffic flowing. Another person is seen spreading soil in front of automobiles to keep them from slipping on the snow-covered road.?
Also read:?Move over Shimla, Manali, there's more to Himachal Pradesh and it's equally magical
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