Every year Hypertension is observed on the 17th of May to help people realise the perils of hypertension. Often known as the silent killer, hypertension or high BP is a preventable and controllable condition if we catch it in it time, which makes it imperative for people to educate and understand the ins and out of hypertension.?
The World health Organisation (WHO), defines hypertension or high or raised blood pressure (BP), as a condition where the blood vessels are under persistently raised pressure, putting them under increased stress. The pressure is created by the force of blood pushing against the walls of blood vessels (arteries), as it is pumped by the heart. The higher the pressure, the harder the heart has to pump.
Over a billion people all over the world suffer from hypertension and it is predicted to increase by 60 percent to 1.56 billion in 2025. The condition kills 8 million people every year worldwide and is a leading risk factor for cardiovascular diseases, diabetes, foetal and maternal death in pregnancy, dementia and renal failure.
Two thirds of the population that live with hypertension live in economically developing countries, including India. The condition is directly responsible for 57 percent of all stroke deaths and 24 percent of all coronary heart disease deaths in India. Sedentary lifestyles, growing urbanisation, tobacco use and fast food culture are also some of the primary causes for high blood pressure. It is called the silent killer as it presents very subtle and small symptoms, but has some serious consequences.?
Symptoms for Early detection:
-Early-morning headache
-Irregular heartbeats
-Buzzing in the ears
-Tiredness, dizziness, weakness
-Nausea, confusion, anxiety
-Chest pain, Muscle tremors, breathlessness
-Lack of exercise
-Alcohol consumption, smoking
The relationship between salt and hypertension is one of the key causes:
Excess salt ends up straining the arteries. The result is the hardening and thickening of the artery walls, which reduces the space inside the artery walls. Over time the arteries become so narrow that they end up reducing the vital nutrients that blood transports to your entire body.
Manage your diet
A good and balanced diet having less calories, fat, sugar and salt is a key to lowering high blood pressure. The main culprit in high blood pressure is sodium, so cutting down on salt content is a must to control hypertension.
Include fruits and vegetables that are rich in potassium and magnesium?
If you have Hypertensive heart disease, which refers to heart conditions caused by high blood pressure, then consumption of fish oils with omega-3 fatty acids are extremely good as they help lower blood pressure too.
It is imperative to indulge in physical activity if you have hypertension. Also, regular exercising reduces the chance of developing blood pressure by up to 40-50 percent. Even if you do exercising for 20-30 minutes daily, that is enough to stay fit and keep high blood pressure at bay.
Manage your weight
Alan Cleaver_Flickr.com
Increase in weight often leads to increase in blood pressure. One also tends to have disrupted breathing during sleep because of being overweight, which causes blood pressure to rise. It, hence, becomes important to reduce weight. Even cutting down 4-5 kilograms of weight is enough to bring high blood pressure under control.
Cut down on smoking and alcohol
Both the habits have adverse affects on the body's blood pressure. Smoking and alcohol consumption lead to constriction of blood vessels, which thereby results in higher blood pressure
Manage your stress
Stress activates the sympathetic nervous system, flooding blood with chemicals that accelerate heart rate and narrows the bloods vessels, causing the blood pressure to rise. Managing stress thus is important by way of doing something that soothes your mind. You can indulge in any activity that cuts down your stress and brings back peace into your life.
-Learn to manage stress through regular exercise, yoga, meditation
-Check your blood pressure regularly to see if you¡¯re within a healthy range
-Use the stairs instead of the lift, elevator
-Carrying home-cooked food instead of ordering take-out
-Getting up frequently from work stations and walking around every hour;
-Trying to stay calm under pressure and finding ways to manage workplace stress by taking a walk, deep breathing or talking it out with a colleague or using these techniques, such as these, to instantly calm you down.
Hypertension can be maintained or even prevented if you stay aware of it and make the lifestyle changes listed above.