Every year Kajol and Rani Mukerji organise beautiful Durga Pujo in Mumbai. People from near and far come to attend the mega pujo. Kajol showed up on day 2 of the celebrations looking absolutely stunning. Last evening, she was spotted with her sisters Rani and Tanisha Mukerji, smiling and posing for the shutterbugs.?
And today, Kajol and Jaya Bachchan reunited at the festive pandal. The two favourite characters from?the classic film Kabhi Khushi Kabhie Gham (K3G) came together to celebrate the festival.
Kajol was seen wearing a beautiful floral saree with real flowers tucked in her head and Jaya chose a bright yellow saree with a pink border.?Kajol is seen radiating grace and laughter in her beautifully embellished saree.
Internet users erupted with joy as fans celebrated the star power of these two legends. Take a look at some beautiful moments?
The two are seen laughing, hugging and chatting away. This is not the first time, Jaya Bachchan has been part of Kajol's Durga Pujo celebrations. They shared smiles and affectionate moments, reminiscent of the heartfelt bond portrayed in K3G.?
The presence at the pandal was a beautiful blend of tradition and glamour, making it an unforgettable evening for all attendees.?The K3G reunion serves as a heartwarming reminder of the impact these talented actresses have had on Indian cinema and the lasting bond they share, both on and off the screen.?
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