Your 20s are one of the most important decades of your life simply because they blur that gap between childhood and adulthood. While you¡¯re still free to go live your life on your own terms, there¡¯s also a lot of things you¡¯re still discovering that you need help with. At the end of it all, we all want to hit our idea of being ¡®successful¡¯ by the time we enter the third decade of life. To strike that balance between fun and hustle might be a tough one but it isn¡¯t exactly undoable only if you keep away from a couple of things.
Here are 13 things you need to stop doing when you¡¯re in your 20s to make sure you can have it all:
When you're young and naive, you tend to think a whole lot about what others think of you. However, in the longer run, what you think of yourself in the only thing that will matter. You don't want to be telling yourself that you took decisions based on someone else's opinions of you and it changed how your life turned out.
Doing something like this will only make you lose focus on your own life. You don't know how tough others had to struggle to be where they are and it is important to understand that you need to concentrate entirely on your life to be where they are.
Resisting change will only hinder growth. Give in to it and embrace it for a smooth transition. Yes, a lot of friends will leave and your understanding of love will change after a horrible heartbreak but always be welcoming of change because when you grow only when you change.
You're a young person and there's still a lot that life will teach you. Take in the different perspectives people have to offer while being open about your point of view in a civilized?way. You don't have to be thinking about winning a fight when you can enrich your own view, isn't it?
Be appreciative of the people who are helpful towards you, make sacrifices for you and stand up for what you want. These are the people who will go with you a long way and it is important that you thank them whenever you have the chance.
There's a lot of young people who will not give enough efforts to their job and still expect that growth. Don't be that person. Add in that extra hour, be respectful of others and show that you're serious so that you can also achieve growth.
Our generation is special because there's a lot of distractions in the form of social media but it is important to tell yourself to get off it when you've been scrolling too long.
When you're in your 20s, you only have that one decade to do all the things you've been planning. Stop putting things for later because that way, you're only losing on time that you can utilise to actually realize your plans.
Taking risks is important because it shapes your life and personality but realize that you're an adult now. Take risks in a calculated way and look at the odds.
Be it clothes or drinks, they are not an investment. Spending a maximum of twenty percent of your salary on such things will make sense but more than that will only make you lose your savings.
They've helped you out enough and this is the age where you can be more independent given that you have more authority to make decisions as well as the financial resources to follow through. Learn from your mistakes and trials instead of having them a call away.
There's a lot of times when you have to give up on a plan with friends because something at work comes up. Don't give up on those professional responsibilities because your true friends will always understand that you're building a future.
Don't ever try to change yourself to fit into someone else's idea of how you should be. Spend your 20s being stupid, saying what you want to say and taking up jobs you want to take.