There are many ways to distinguish between an authentic designer bag from a replica. From a genuine guarantee card, a proper identification stamp to cheap interior -- there are many clues, says an expert. Kapila Gupta, founder of -- an online platform for authentic luxury products in India -- shares how one can tell if a designer bag is real or fake.
There are many ways to distinguish between an authenticdesigner bag from a replica. From a genuine guarantee card, a properidentification stamp to cheap interior -- there are many clues, says an expert.
Kapila Gupta, founder of -- an onlineplatform for authentic luxury products in India -- shares how one can tell if adesigner bag is real or fake.
Best way to spot a fake and a real designer bag is theguarantee card that you get with the original bag. This guarantee card helpsyou to resell your bag, hence making it an investment rather than being aliability.
High-end bags will never come with a shield-shaped leatherswatch hang tag. They will always come with the company's image attached to it.
A very important and a big indicator is whether the bag hasa proper identification stamp or not. The letters are code for the country inwhich the bag was made, while the numbers indicate when it was made. The secondand fourth numbers stand for the year, while the first and third numbers arefor the week in that year.
The next important thing to look for is the stitching.Stitching on the fake bag is sloppy and not really straight.
?Con-artists paylittle or no attention on the interior. Mostly they line the interior withplastic or cheap tan or brown suede making it easy for to spot the differencebetween fake and original.