What happened to you is not your fault.
Your wounds were not something you deserved. The pain was not something you asked for.?
The first step to healing is acknowledging what is inside and only then can you begin to accept what is outside. This means that you don''t have to resist the pain. Allow it to be there. Surrender yourself to it.?
Allow yourself to feel the grief, the despair and the loneliness this accompanies. In order to heal, we are fully encouraged to embrace pain.?
You know you?are really blessed if you are surrounded by people who you trust to ensure your mental, emotional and physical well-being. And when you are dealing with intense pain, you can depend on them. But don't solely rely on them. No one can mend you. That task is only up to you.?
We don't mean that you shouldn't seek professional help. We don't mean you should lock yourself up inside your room and deal with your pain. We don't want you to cut off with people you trust.?
Healing doesn't always make sense. Healing can't be controlled or hinged upon. Healing doesn't come with specific set of instructions, rules or regulations. Other people can't also heal you. Healing requires hard-work, patience, trust and an open heart. How you choose to heal is entirely up to you.?
But the most important, for the betterment of your mental well-being and peace, you need to take the first step. And that is to heal.