Deepika Padukone broke the internet with glimpses of her adorable maternity photoshoot yesterday. The beautiful actress was seen flaunting her baby bump in daring sheer dresses along with hubby Ranveer Singh. Following in her footsteps, actress Yuvika Chaudhary also took to Instagram to share pictures from her pregnancy shoot. Yuvika are her husband Prince Narula are eagerly waiting to welcome their first child after six years of marital bliss. Joining the pregnancy shoot bandwagon, Yuvika too shared her adorable photos leaving fans and well-wishers spellbound.
Posing and looking absolutely gorgeous, Yuvika dropped photos featuring two different looks from the shoot. Taking a different route than Deepika, Yuvika's shoot featured two completely different elaborate backdrops. All expecting mothers who are looking for a little more pomp and circus than the Kalki actress' shoot need to check out Yuvika's captivating one!
In her first look, the?Toh Baat Pakki actress is seen wearing an angelic white floor-length silk gown with a sweetheart neckline and a long trail. Cradling her baby bump, she's posing in an enchanting backdrop filled with beautiful flowers. The stunning diva rounded off her look with dewy makeup and windblown tresses for the pastel-themed shoot.
In another look, she is seen in a heavily embellished nude gown adorned encrusted with silver-toned stones. The halter neck and the mermaid-style bodice of the dress make it an excellent choice to flaunt her baby bump. Yuvika completed her look with full glam makeup and dainty diamond bangles.
For the unversed, Yuvika and Prince first met on the sets of Bigg Boss 9 and fell in love. The lovely couple got married in a lavish ceremony in 2018 surrounded by their loved ones. The couple first announced the happy news that they were expecting a baby back in June, 2024 with a cute Instagram post.?
Also Read:?Deepika Padukone rocks pregnancy shoot in style: A lookbook of her effortless maternity fashion
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