Deepika Padukone set social media ablaze with her latest maternity photoshoot pictures that nobody can't stop talking about!?A series of black-and-white photos, which also featured husband Ranveer Singh in a few, went viral on the internet, garnering over 4.8 million likes in just 12 hours. The actress, riding high on the recent success of her latest outing, Kalki, was an image of elan and grace. Flaunting her baby bump in style, the proud mama was seen giggling in the photos in bold sheer dresses, cable-knit cardigans and more. Check out the heartwarming post nobody can stop raving about.
Deepika's naturally elegant style has found its way into her maternity look as well, lending future mommas some inspiration on how to dress while they are expecting. From whether to flaunt the bump or hide it, the Padmavat star's fashion book has a lot of takeaways for all those expecting a visit from the stork. Take a look at her 7 best maternity outfits and where you can style them.
Flaunting her baby bump for the first time, Deepika was seen in a sunshine yellow maxi dress by Gauri and Nainika. For days, all our social feeds were filled with photos and videos of the 38-year-old?actress out and about in the city. Maxi dresses are the epitome of comfort and keep you cool in the hot weather! The best thing about the dress though, 'It had pockets!'
At the trailer launch of her film Kalki,? Deepika stepped out in a sleek, black bodycon dress with a halter-style neck, the perfect option for an intimate date night. The ribbed material of the figure-hugging dress screams comfort but with style! While Deepika paired the dress with sky-high heels, you can pair it with a lower heel height for a more comfy experience.
Styling an older loose-fitted floral kurta set by Sabyasachi, Deepika wowed everyone with her choice of bright outfit as well as practising sustainable fashion! Remember that you need not always end up buying a wardrobe of clothes that are probably going to be wasted in the future; instead, raid your closet for an oversized kurta and flaunt it!
For the star-studded wedding festivities of Anant Ambani and Radhika Merchant earlier in July, Deepika proved that you can never go wrong with a saree when you are in the mood for something traditional. She styled a bespoke purple saree by Torani and paired it with her signature sleek bun, choker necklace and kohl-laden eyes.
The Kalki actress was snapped as she left after a dinner with close friends and family wearing an all-black attire, something the diva has been favouring in many of her pregnancy looks. She styled an oversized blazer with rolled-up sleeves, paired with a comfy black calf-length dress and a pair of white sneakers.?
Deepika and Ranveer were spotted at the Mumbai airport as the duo were jetting off to a vacation before welcoming their child. Deepika, often seen in high-fashion outfits during her travel, opted for comfy loose-fit joggers and paired them with a stylish black top, a half-jacket and a cool pair of sunglasses.
And once again, the Levi's brand ambassador proved that a pair of jeans is, literally, the most versatile clothing item in a woman's wardrobe! Deepika went out with hubby Ranveer in a classic outfit that anybody can rock. She styled a pinstripe black blazer with a classic white tee and a pair of blue jeans, and rounded off her casual chic outfit with her classic loose curls.
Also Read:?Deepika Padukone flaunts baby bump in a series of black and white photos, shuts down trolls
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