Giving a run to the new Gen Z stars a run for their money, Bollywood's King Khan stepped out in a trendy outfit at yesterday's IIFA event. Accompanied by close friend Karan Johar, Shah Rukh Khan turned up in a chic casual style that showcased his impeccable fashion sense and knack for elevating a casual look with trendy pieces. The 58-year-old actor showed how to do androgynous fashion right with her latest look. Check out his fashionable yet comfy style.
Decoding his look, Diet Sabya, a popular Instagram handle shared details of his look. While the star styled a cool graphic T-shirt, it was his stylish black jeans that immediately stood out. Part of the popular luxury designer Rick Owen's latest menswear line, the jeans are worth a whopping $1505, which equates to about Rs?1,26,398.
Styling a dazzling stack of bracelets with the unique jeans, Shah Rukh went with the classic jewellery brand Cartier, which is also favoured by his close friend Deepika Padukone. Revealing the details of his unique stack, Diet Sabya shared that he went with the luxury brand's signature black tabeez bracelet, diamond tennis bracelet, Ecrou De bracelet and their Juste UN Clou.
At the event, even more than his trendy attire, Shah Rukh Khan garnered attention for his quick wit. The star was seen roasting director Karan Johar for his penchant for hosting chat shows. Another reason, the star-studded event is making headlines is for Rana Daggubati's heartwarming gesture where the actor was seen taking Shah Rukh's blessing by touching his feet.
While Shah Rukh often makes headlines for his sophisticated fashion sense, his recent outing raised the bar for young Gen Z stars to gear up and serve some unique fashion looks that we can get inspired by!
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