With two more students committing suicide in Telangana after failing in intermediate exams, the total number of students taking the extreme step has reached to 20 and CM K Chandrashekhar Rao has now directed the official to hold free of cost revaluation and recounting for the students who have failed. KCR has directed the officials to hold an advanced supplementary exams in order to avoid scope of loss of a year.
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The student unions and the parents have been asking the government to allow a free of cost revaluation and recounting. The fee of revaluation and recounting is Rs 600 per paper. News18 reported.
The CM asked the education secretary Janardhan Reddy to ensure that the outsourcing agency deals with massive result data effectively.?
The CM also expressed his concern for the student and asked them not to resort to extreme step. He said, "Intermediate education is not the entire life. Failing in examination does not amount to failing in life. Life is precious.¡±?
KCR in meeting is said to have pulled up the education minister and? the officials as the demand from minister¡¯s resignation are being made. A total of 9.74 lakh students appeared for the intermediate examination, out of these 3.28 lakhs have failed in the examination.